Your Social Support Journal

As the holiday season heats up, it's easy to stay caught up in busy. But the darkest time of the year is also the perfect time for reflection. As one year winds down and another year begins, I love taking time to pause, reflect, and set powerful intentions.

This month I'm writing about self-care on the Lavender's Blue blog. But I'm not handing you a "to-do list." Instead, I created a series of journals for you. Each journal is an invitation to reflect on a different aspect of self-care. I want to help you uncover your own insights about what would set you up for thriving in the new year.

This week's self-care reflection is all about social support and community.

Your Social Support Journal - A Self-Care Reflection.png

Self-care isn't just about sleep, exercise, and eating good food. Good health involves relationship and a sense of belonging, too. Mamas need friends, adult conversation, and community - and that can be tricky when you're home all day with the kids!

I invite you to pause this week and consider whether you're getting your social needs met. How are your family relationships and friendships these days? Do you have community in your life? Do you have other homeschool families to connect with?

This week's journal has key questions to get you thinking and writing about the social side of self-care. It's a free printable and it's super simple to open and print out!

Click below to open and print:

Your Social Support Journal


Why Self-Care Matters

Your Movement Journal

Your Sleep Journal

And if you’re looking for a homeschooling community that gets you and supports you day in and day out we would love to welcome you to the member’s only Lavender’s Blue Community.



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Your Movement Journal